Editor’s Note: I listened to De La Soul’s 3rd and 4th albums, Buhloone Mindstate and Stakes Is High. I’ve explained about the streaming already, my…
What Day Is It? The Game That’s Sweeping the Nation!
Editor’s Note: Where I just Google if it’s a national day of some sort and just get absolutely astounded by the results. I’m going to…
Epiphyte Corp.’s Business Plan
Editor’s Note: Excerpt from the book Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson. p. 238-240 EPIPHYTE CORP.’S BUSINESS PLAN IS ABOUT AN INCH THICK, Neither fat nor skinny…
“All the Burger King Honeys”
Editor’s Note: I listened to De La Soul’s first two albums, 3 Feet High and Rising and De La Soul Is Dead. I explained how…
My fascination with Hip hop (an explainer)/De La Soul streaming
I’m an only child. I didn’t have a cool older brother or sister who introduced me to tons of seminal music, but from an early…
That time Evan Dando was so wasted he could barely hold a guitar
Some events just get burned into your memory, as if they were imprinted with a cattle prod. I attended college at the University of Georgia…
The CGP Interview: The Grinch
Editor’s Note: Selected pieces from my former literary magazine The New Yorker idiotic blog cultgoespop. Originally “published” December 21, 2005. CGP: Ok, let’s cut right…
What day is it? The game that’s sweeping the Nation!
Editor’s Note: Where I just Google if it’s a national day of some sort and just get absolutely astounded by the results. YEP, it’s a…